Anyone can run a call centre, but there’s more to providing support than answering the phone quickly. We believe the real measure of support success is about how rapidly you can answer the question, resolve the problem or deliver the service.
Quality support is a major point of difference for One Wholesale. Depending on what you want to know or what needs to be done, we give you three levels of support: your Partner Manager, your Service Delivery Manager and our Technical Support Team.
The role of your One Wholesale Partner Manager is to help you gain and keep customers by supporting your sales efforts. He or she can assist with sales strategy, assembling convincing marketing material, coming up with solutions to your customer’s challenges and putting on a great show in pitch meetings. At every stage of the sales process, your Partner Manager is your ally and advisor, looking and acting like a member of your team.
Once you’ve captured a new customer, your One Wholesale Service Delivery Manager (SDM) leaps into action to make it all happen. Using intelligence and initiative, they will provision the orders and make sure everything works – network as well as hardware.
We created the role of service deliver manager to make sure new orders don’t get stuck in the supplier pipeline. Your SDM will keep in touch with suppliers to reduce waiting time, even helping suppliers out by chasing up consent forms that could hold things up.
Everything we do is backed by robust technical expertise that’s yours to access as and when you need it. It’s not our role to tell you what to buy or build, however we can provide advice to help you make good decisions. And if you do buy equipment from us, you can expect full warranty services from our engineering team.
You can even co-opt one of our engineers to solve problems at a customer’s site. One’s people are white-labelled, so they’ll be perceived as members your team.